Hello, world of flowers. Hello, florists all over the world. My name is Erko Feigl. I am already 54 years old, and I've been working with flowers since I was 16 years old. As a trained gardener and florist, I fell in love with the green branch - no, even better: I love and live them. This is my story of how I became the capturer of our craftsmanship that I am today.
Love & Live Flowers
After an accident and following re-education as an NLP coach, I began to devote myself intensively to the area of marketing and social media. NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming; it is an advisory service that stimulates personal change and growth processes in order to promote potential and strengthen personal skills.

As the founder and CEO of myFlorist, my enthusiasm for photography quickly became evident. Eight years ago there was still a gap in the market and many colleagues used my pictures. Imagery is still important, just see and understand which photos really stick in the minds of people. The inflationary flood of images makes it difficult to be truly PERCEIVED.
To Speak the Language of the Florist
This is exactly where I would like to bring myself into play: as a colleague with a conscientious eye and equipment who - as a bookable freelancer - speaks the language of the florist. The florist understands, has an eye for the splendor of the flowers, and also knows how to deal with the contrasts that pose problems for the cameras. In addition, I love to take pictures with people from the street; people like you and me. All this is always combined with the joy of flowers.
This sounds easy, doesn't it? But it's so much harder than I thought. Years of practice have shown that acting naturally is a challenge! And that's exactly what inspires me to do it. In order to be able to capture our craftsmanship and enthusiasm in pictures.
So I'm really looking forward to and dying to get to know you.
Flowery greetings from Erko