Lilies Are the Crown Jewels of the Flowers

Just look at the elegance and prestige of these impressive flowers. Let me show the panache of lilies through my nine completely distinctive designs.

By: GAÉTAN JACQUET | 01-09-2022 | 6 min read
Floral Designs
Lilies Are the Crown Jewels of the Flowers header on Thursd

The lilies of Bredefleur trigger in me a particular feeling halfway between admiration and impatience. Just look at the elegance and prestige of these impressive flowers. Let me show the panache of lilies through my nine completely distinctive designs. 

Lilies Throughout the Ages

Lilies have throughout the ages been associated many times with illustrious moments in our European history. Both in religions and in monarchies, they were there as discreet spectators of the great history of humanity.

Associated with the Catholic religion, the white lily is an allegory of the Virgin Mary. The pagans associated this spectacular white flower with fertility, while in other beliefs, the lily is a symbol of rediscovered light.


Bredefleur BFF Gaétan Jacquet quote on Thursd


It is true that these large colorful flowers bring a shine and a luminous intensity to many dark places. But it is through the history of European dynasties that lilies will take their rank as a crown jewel flower among flowers!

These large flowers composed of three sepals and three petals can be proud to be part of one of the most prestigious families in the plant world, with more than sixty species of bulbous plants. I am talking here about both wild and garden varieties.


Double Lily Bowl of Beauty design by Gaétan Jacquet on Thursd
Double Lily Bowl of Beauty


Lilies at Bredefleur

Let's move from the garden to the greenhouse and see what the human botanical genius has done with the cut flowers by creating spectacular lily varieties from these bulbs. They are, of course, available all year round and in a large diversity at Bredefleur, the European leader in the production of these royal flowers. I am hosted on their website as well about my blog on Thursd.

It is as if the Bredefleur greenhouses are time capsules where the softness of the end of spring was frozen, including the warm mist with a heady scent filling the slightest interstice of the translucent structure of metal and glass. A moment of fragrant grace in a gentle warmth where the pollinating insect breaks the tranquility with its dull hum, evocative of pollen and honey richness.



The Lily Is the Star

In the world of florists, the lily remains a star, sometimes contested by the rose or the peony. If the latter dispute the queen's throne, the lily contemplates this quarrel of little girls from the top of her empress' throne. We readily associate it with elegance and prestige. Nothing has more presence than an armful of lilies on a pedestal table.

But the lily is not a dusty starlet with old-fashioned charm, who is convinced that she is always at the height of her glory. The lily knows how to make a revolution and reinvent itself.


Lily LF Watch Up Supra water snake design by Gaétan Jacquet on Thursd
Lily LF Watch Up Supra


The Feeling I Get From Bredefleur's Lilies

The company Bredefleur has something to do with it both through its selection and through the rigor they show in the production as well as in the distribution of these delicate flowers. Their lilies trigger in me a particular feeling halfway between admiration and impatience. I can't wait to see this vegetal setting blossom and fill the room with its sweet fragrance!

What? You don't like their musky and heady scents? No need to banish them from your compositions and bouquets, just choose one of the many odorless varieties. From Asian stock, they offer all the spectacle of a lily, without intoxicating you.

The Panache of Lilies

Lilies, whether through their classic form or through more contemporary varieties, have this gift of raising a simple composition to the rank of an elegant or exceptional creation. Such panache, or charisma, has its place perfectly in our stores.

By selecting quality lilies, your customers will be captivated by the power and elegance that emerge from these impressive stems. And that, regardless of the price of the stem, you can offer it without worries alone in a very beautiful vase. The lily does not necessarily need company to shine! But he is happy to team up with a few flowers or wild grasses.

Lilies like to find themselves in their humble origins. She makes us live the habitual castle life, but she will also know how to surprise you with her astonishing modernism. Opulent and graphic, imposing and light, generous and discreet, the lily is the undisputed master of opposites. A heavy flower capable of floating, it is what you least expect.


My Arguments to Buy Lilies

Lilies have always enjoyed a special status in the world of florists. But alas, many of my colleagues shun them. Wrongly, because they are a must, customer requests are proof of this. The arguments often put forward by my colleagues are price, quality, and ecology. However, all these arguments fall apart when it comes to the Bredefleur lilies.

The price: certainly, it is an expensive flower, but one single branch of lily is enough and it occupies such a space! It all comes down to whether you want quality or quantity.

Quality: constancy is one of the characteristics of the Bredefleur company, and they will not produce or market lilies that are not suitable for the production period.

Ecology: the lily is a bulbous plant and is therefore not very greedy when it comes to the resources she needs, and above all, she's naturally resistant.

If with all these arguments, you do not see the interest of lilies, you still have to try some splendid ones from Bredefleur You will understand my enthusiasm and my wonder. Your customers will be amazed by the beauty of these flowers. Because being a florist is on the one hand the know-how but it is also the constant questioning.

And for those who already buy and sell lilies, I can only encourage you to switch to Bredefleur lilies. Their lilies are considered in many ways as the crown jewels to make your shop could become a showcase!


Lily Zelmira design by Gaétan Jacquet on Thursd
Lily Zelmira


The Flowers in the Designs

Bredefleur's flowers used in these designs are Lily LA Apricot Fudge, Lily LF Watch Up Supra, Lily OT Nymph, Lily OT Zelmira, and Double Lily Bowl of Beauty.


Bredefleur's Fan (BFF)

Obviously, the growers at Bredefleur are proud of their lilies, and they see that many creative florists share this passion with them. Bredefleur's mission is to connect different supply chain links within its sector because they are convinced that you can achieve so much more together. By connecting lily fans (BFFs) to one another, everyone can share inspiration and challenge each other creatively. Are you a BFF? See how you can become a part of this here.


Special thanks to FleuraMetz in the Netherlands and France for taking care of logistics.


Lily LF Watch Up Supra colored design by Gaétan Jacquet on Thursd
Lily LF Watch Up Supra


Bredefleur blue banner on Thursd

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Gaétan Jacquet

It is with love and passion that I realize your requests, from the simplest and discreet to the most extravagant, with a selection of quality seasonal products and from the closest possible producers. I am specialized in decorating your home & garden, marriage & events, and I am a floral teacher.

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