Gaétan Jacquet and Avalanche+

Designs that stand out in a very fresh style, of great delicacy.

By: THURSD. | 24-06-2020 | 1 min read
Floral Designs Roses Archives

Mikala Forcellini is the initiator of the series of six designs with the amazing Avalanche+ roses in France. Mikala introduces to you:

Gaétan Jacquet

Today, here is the work of Gaétan Jacquet, a young florist with more than promising talents. He owns a shop called BotaBota. Gaétan stands out in a very fresh style of great delicacy.


Avalanche quote Gaétan Jacquet

A composition of pure white, natural materials, and green.

By using green materials in the frame, and as eye-catchers in the design, Gaétan Jacquet combines natural materials with fresh flowers, keeping the eyes focused on the flowers and materials used.


Gaétan Jacquet - French Florists with Avalanche+ - on Thursd. 06


Using different greens, with different textures Gaétan Jacquet makes the Avalanche+® shine!


Gaétan Jacquet - French Florists with Avalanche+ - on Thursd. 01 Gaétan Jacquet - French Florists with Avalanche+ - on Thursd. 02


Gaétan Jacquet:

"A very big thank you to Agora Nancy and Christophe Derieg for their professionalism and reaction. A very big thank you also to Avalanche+ in their search for perfection. And not to mention Jocaflor."

Gaétan Jacquet is at the time of the publishing date of this writing working as a nature-inspired eco florist at BotaBota.


Gaetan Jacquet - French Florists with Avalanche+
Gaétan Jacquet


In this series of 'Six French florists and their designs with Avalanche+® roses', you can see the designs and stories of the other five French Florists here:

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