From 28 to 31 January 2025, IPM Essen—the world's leading trade fair for horticulture - will be the meeting place for the green sector. Here, exhibitors from all over the world present their innovative products and services in the fields of plants, technology, floristry, and garden features. No other fair offers so much plant diversity and so many plant innovations. Climate change and sustainability are the defining themes here. Read on if you plan to visit to get your IPM started.
IPM Essen 2025 - Endless Green Variety
More than 1,400 exhibitors from almost 50 nations will showcase their innovations in the exhibition areas of plants, technology, floristry, and garden features at this year's IPM Essen. The special anniversary edition under the motto 'Endless Green Variety' has numerous program highlights in store for the expected 36,000 trade visitors. Forums, congresses, competitions, tours, live shows, special shows, and other side events will focus on current topics in the green industry, provide new inspiration for the coming business year, and offer numerous networking opportunities.
As the world's leading trade fair of horticulture, it is the only exhibition of its kind, reflecting the entire value chain from the plant growing to the floristics, technology, and equipment up to the point of sale. Here the entire international horticultural industry gathers and shows the complete flower and plant diversity. Furthermore, floristry highlights and the latest technological trends are presented to the visitors, too. Keep reading to know more!

A Home for the Green Industry
The green industry has found its home at Messe Essen over the decades. Here, trade visitors can experience trends, innovations, and product solutions up close and personalize their discussions with experts on current issues of the future.
Oliver P. Kuhrt, CEO of Messe Essen explains the importance of the green sector showing itself properly, especially right now:
"The industry is facing major challenges. It is therefore important to continue to develop IPM Essen along the market. I am sure that our new formats, such as the new Gardeners Forum or the IPM Express Bus, will be well received."
In 2025, IPM Essen will again occupy the entire exhibition center in Halls 1, 1A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and the Galeria. The nations of Belgium, China, Costa Rica, Denmark, France, India, Israel, Japan, South Korea, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, the UK and the USA will participate with at least one joint stand. The joint 'Young Innovators' stand in Hall 6, which is sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs, will be focusing on German start-ups.

New in Hall 2: Forum and Tour for Gardeners
Most of the exhibitors belong to the plant sector, as no other trade fair has such a large and extensive range as IPM Essen. The slogan of the world's leading trade fair “Endless green variety” could not fit any better. The organizers are therefore paying particular attention to plants: A new feature is the Gardeners Forum in Hall 2 as the central point of contact for horticultural producers. Experts from the industry will give specialist presentations, hold panel discussions on current topics relating to young plants, and exchange ideas with trade visitors on best practices, sustainability, biodiversity, trends, and plant innovations. Meet & Greets with personalities from the industry and politics are also planned every morning. The Gardeners Forum is also the starting point for guided tours to participating exhibitors from the young plant sector.

Trend Hall 5: New Ideas for the Retail Trade
FDF – Fachverband Deutscher Floristen – Bundesverband (Federal Association of German Florists) is also changing its location and can be found in Hall 5. Trade visitors will be able to experience elaborate floral design both in the FDF World showrooms and live on the large revolving stage, where international florists will be demonstrating their creative craftsmanship. The workpieces from the IPM competitions will also be on display in Hall 5. The motto of the 2025 Trade Fair Cup is: 'Boundless Blooming Community'. The IPM Discovery Centre, headed by Romeo Sommers, will be presenting even more trends for the green retail trade. From POS concepts to marketing stories, the green stylist will be passing on his expertise for a successful customer approach.

New in Hall 7: Green Cities Award
Greenery as a design element in public spaces is good for the climate and an essential feel-good factor for life in urban centres. From 2025, the Green Cities Award will be presented annually at IPM Essen. The award, which has been presented by the European Nurserystock Association (ENA) for the past four years, recognizes outstanding projects that promote green and sustainable cities in Europe. The nominees from the participating ENA member countries will be presented opposite the stand of Bund Deutscher Baumschulen – BdB (Association of German Nurseries) in Hall 7. The winner will be announced at a ceremony on Thursday at the trade fair.
The BdB seminar 'Woody Plants in the Water-Sensitive City' on Wednesday of IPM Essen will cover other exciting aspects. This will be followed the next day by the future congress “GaLaBau Ausblicke”, organized by Verband Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau NRW (Association for Garden, Landscape, and Sports Ground Construction North Rhine-Westphalia).

Further Program Items
Other established formats will be presented on a larger scale – in some cases at other locations. The Horticultural Info Centre, which is run by ZVG – Zentralverband Gartenbau (Central Horticultural Association) and Landesverband Gartenbau Nordrhein-Westfalen (State Horticultural Association of North Rhine-Westphalia), will from now on be located in Hall 4. Due to its proximity to the Innovation Center Horticulture Technology, the associations will also use the stage and provide an additional program. The educational show 'Gardeners Can Do It' and the innovations showcase will also be located in Hall 4.

Keeping an Eye on the Next Generation
Getting young people interested in horticulture – this has always been the goal of the green associations at IPM Essen. In 2025, the Training Day will be replaced by a new event format for secondary school follow-up classes. Instead of being bundled on one day, IPM Essen will now welcome groups of schoolchildren every day to introduce them to the many different green professions.
As part of the recruitment of skilled labor, the Career + Future Forum and the Green Career Wall with job offers and applications will also be offered once again.

Meet Thursd at IPM Essen
If you're interested in taking your floral business to the next level, you can come and meet the people of Thursd at IPM Essen 2025 in Hall 5A, stand A12.
Where and When
Location Messe Essen: Norbertstraße 2, 45131 Essen, Germany.
IPM Essen 2025 is expanding its visitor services with the 'IPM Express' so that gardeners in particular can take advantage of the extensive range of offers at IPM Essen. Buses will travel from the largest horticultural regions – such as the Lower Rhine region – to IPM Essen and will take visitors comfortably to the entrance to the trade fair and back again.
Opening Hours:
- Tuesday 28th of January from 9 AM - 6 PM
- Wednesday 29th of January from 9 AM - 6 PM
- Thursday 30th of January from 9 AM - 6 PM
- Friday 31st of January from 9 AM - 5 PM
All photos by Alex Muchnik/©MESSE ESSEN GmbH.