Which colors do you see when you hear the word 'autumn'? Most florists will immediately shout out orange, brown, and yellow, and all tones in this spectrum. Let's see what's in store for you from breeder United Selections. They present their 'Autumn Selections' Roses that spontaneously create that cozy autumn feeling in your store and at home.
'Autumn Selections' Roses
Orange is, of course, THE color of Halloween. So, it is inevitable that roses with these colors are written in capitals on any florist's shopping list this time of year. Orange is a vibrant color that symbolizes life, energy, passion, and excitement. Yet, orange is also associated with a warm and cozy feeling, turning any room into a place that you want to be in. In other words: orange is a perfect color for this time of the year and a befitting rose for these Autumn Selections. Yellow colors lighten up your space on these darkening days and elevate your energy and mood. The color yellow stands for optimism and positivity, bringing some fun into the world while almost glowing out of the dark.
United Selections is very helpful in giving you a few hints on what's hot in orange and yellow.
Rose Lighthouse
Lighthouse is a bright yellow-colored rose from the 'House' series. These roses and mostly grown in Latin America. Rose Lighthouse is the ideal rose for a cozy autumn theme because of its energy, mood, and character. And, an important feature, the vase life of the 40-70 cm stems has proven to be more than 15+ days.
Rose Brickhouse
Brickhouse is an orange-colored rose from the same family as rose Lighthouse, so is included in the 'House' series as well. Like all the roses in this series, rose Brickhouse opens fully and beautifully. The sturdy stems are available for up to 80 cms. The vase life is a remarkable 15+ days. Orange is a vibrant color that symbolizes life, energy, passion, and excitement, making it a befitting rose for Autumn Selections. If you like this series characteristics, do try Whitehouse as well.

Rose Confidential
Confidential is United Selections' most established orange rose. Rose Confidential performs well across different altitudes and markets, making it a very resourceful variety for the entire floral supply chain. That's why it is grown both in Africa and Latin America. Get a customized bouquet with rose Confidential for optimal coziness, energy, and passion during this Autumn season. The stem sizes up to 80cms and vase life of 12-14 days will not disappoint you.
Rose Devoted
When you are looking for a more intense color orange, you might try rose Devoted. This is a mutation of rose Confidential, so this rose has the same strong characteristics, and a size up to 70cms.
Rose Rise & Shine
Rose & Shine is a newly promoted yellow-colored rose with a very useful stem length of 50-80cms. The rose opens fully and beautifully on the vase, manifesting its yellow-colored opening. Rose Rise & Shine is a perfect Autumn color. Just like Lighthouse it lightens up your space and elevates your energy and mood. No doubt that this bright beauty will soon find new homes across different growers, and eventually different consumers around the world.

Get in Touch With United Selections
Visiting address: Fraxinus 12 21424 LG De Kwakel Netherlands