With its warm ochre color, it's a rich addition to the trendy chrysanthemum range.
Chrysanthemum Pastela Favori
Create sparkling moments with Pastela Favori. With its warm ochre color, it's a rich addition to the trendy chrysanthemum range.
Classic and Modern Arrangements
Chrysanthemum Pastela Favori stimulates your senses and gives just that little bit of extra spice to classic autumn bouquets, but will also shine in modern arrangements.
Chrysanthemum Pastela Favori Care Tips
- Use a clean vase and fresh tap water
- Add liquid or powdered flower food
- Cut 3 – 5 cm from the stem using a clean knife or secateur
- Make sure there are no leaves in the water
- Chrysanthemums, like all cut flowers, are sensitive to draughts and direct heat
- Don’t place the chrysanthemums next to ripening fruit or vegetables. The ethylene produced by the fruit and vegetables makes the flowers die earlier
- Top up the vase with fresh tap water
- Refresh the water every few days when it gets cloudy