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Multiflora was founded by Peter Danesø with a single-stage at Copenhagen Grønttorv, KGT, on Retortvej in Valby. Over the years, the business grew with several “cities” and Multiflora Aps was founded in 1980. Up through the '90s and '00s, Multiflora followed over time. Moving sales trucks and internet commerce became part of daily life. In April 2016, Multiflora A / S moved to the newly built Copenhagen Markets in Lithuania All 13 in Taastrup. Multiflora has always strived for a large selection of high-quality cut flowers, greenery, and floral accessories at the right price. Multiflora welcomes you at Staden Copenhagen Markets and here in the webshop.
Multiflora Litauen Alle 13, 2630 Taastrup, Denemarken