
Rose Brigitte Bardot

Flower Roses

About Rose Brigitte Bardot

A great rose for wedding bouquets


Rose Brigitte Bardot

Rose Brigitte Bardot is a lovely romantic rose with tones of pink and cream. The color starts with hard pink on the inside but gradually turns softer and softer when blooming outwards. This makes it a great rose for wedding bouquets.


The name honors the French actress and cultural icon, Brigitte Bardot, often referred to by her initials B.B.

Rose Brigitte Bardot Care Tips

  • Use a clean vase
  • Flower food improves the life of your flowers significantly, and prevents the necks from bending
  • Cut a few centimeters off the stem at an angle to open the veins for absorbing water
  • Remove only the foliage at the bottom up to the point where the stem is in the water
  • Refill the water when it gets 'cloudy'
  • Keep the vase away from vegetables and fruits, because the ethylene gas produced by these will damage your flowers
  • Take dying flowers out, so they won't infect the others
  • Keep your flowers away from high temperatures and direct sunlight

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Rose Brigitte Bardot breeder

Jan Spek Rozen


Jan Spek Rozen

Jan Spek Rozen is a rose breeder who demonstrates timeless values and at the same time modern breeding and selection methods. This has been done time and again accomplished ever since its foundation in 1890.

Creating Roses

The specialty of Jan Spek Rozen is to create roses for professional growers wherever in the world, from Europe to Africa, and from South America to Asia.

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