
Roselily Natascha (Potplant)

Plant Indoor Flowering Plants

About Roselily Natascha (Potplant)

Large very dark pink plant with dark red speckles.

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Roselily Natascha (Potplant)

Potplant Roselily Natascha has large very dark pink flowers with dark red speckles.

Pollen-Free, Double Flowering

The Roselily Series is an exciting line of pollen-free, double-flowering liliums.



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Florists with access to Roselily Natascha (Potplant)

Growers Growers with access to Roselily Natascha (Potplant)
Traders Traders with access to Roselily Natascha (Potplant)
Quattro Emme Flowers trader on Thusd profile Quattro Emme di Massimo D'Ortenzi De Gooijer trader on Thursd profile De Gooijer International hamifleurs-trader-on-thursd-profile Hamifleurs
Roselily Natascha (Potplant) breeder

De Looff Lily Innovation


De Looff Lily Innovation

De Looff Lily Innovation is one of the leading companies in lily breeding. The main focus of De Looff Lily Innovation is to develop new double-flowered lily varieties.


The production of the double/stuffed flowered lily varieties is managed by a growers association named Roselily. And in collaboration with renowned export companies, the double/stuffed flowered Roselily varieties are for sale all over the world.

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