
Blechnum Silver Lady

Plant Indoor Green Plants

About Blechnum Silver Lady

Dwarf treefern with eye-catching, fresh green, and strong pinnate leaves


Fresh Green Dwarf

Blechnum Silver Lady is the beautiful outstanding dwarf treefern with strong, fresh green leaves! The pinnate leaves are very eye-catching.


A fern is called 'blechnon 'in ancient Greek. We will never know if this was the same fern, but this is where the name 'blechnum' comes from. In this case. Blechnum means that the fern comes from the double-leaf fern family.


Blechnum likes the shade much better than the direct sunlight. When you give this fern a nice, bright place in the living room, you will get nice fresh green accents back. This tropical fern likes to be outside in summer too when you put the fern in the shade.

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