Sundaville Topper Red Yellow Eye

Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye

Plant Outdoor Flowering Plants

About Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye

Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye is a stunning flower that will instantly brighten up any space. Its vibrant red petals with a yellow eye make it a truly eye-catching addition to any bouquet or garden. This variety of Sundaville is known for its long-lasting and abundant blooms, ensuring that you can enjoy its beauty for weeks on end. With its compact growth habit and easy-care nature, Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye is the perfect choice for both experienced gardeners and beginners alike.

Sundaville Topper Red Yellow Eye

Welcome to a world of vibrant beauty and joy, where flowers hold the power to uplift our spirits and bring a touch of magic into our lives. Today, we delve into the enchanting world of the Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye. With its striking color combination and captivating charm, this flower is sure to mesmerize all flower lovers. Prepare to be amazed as we explore the wonders of this extraordinary plant.

Common Names:

  • Red Yellow Eye
  • Sundaville®
  • Topper Red

Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye: A Radiant Wonder

Originating from tropical regions, the Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye is a true gem in the world of flower arrangements and designs. Its radiant petals bear a vibrant gradient of red and yellow, culminating in a mesmerizing eye-like pattern that captures the heart. This flower has become a favorite among florists and gardening enthusiasts due to its unique beauty and versatility.

With a rich history steeped in folklore and symbolism, the Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye has captured the imagination of people worldwide. Known for its resilience and ability to thrive in various climates, this captivating flower has been embraced by different cultures and has become a symbol of hope, joy, and endurance.

The Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye: An Icon for Interior and Tropical Delights

One of the many reasons people adore the Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye is its incredible versatility. This flower effortlessly transitions between interior decoration and outdoor tropical landscapes, bringing a touch of elegance and vibrancy wherever it goes.

Indoors, the Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye adds a burst of color to living spaces, creating an inviting and refreshing ambiance. Its vibrant petals serve as a delightful focal point, brightening up any room and eliciting smiles of admiration. Whether placed in a hallway, living room, or bedroom, this flower's striking presence uplifts and rejuvenates the spirit.

As an outdoor plant in tropical climates, the Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye transforms gardens, patios, and balconies into vibrant paradises. Basking in the sun and delighting in the warm breezes, these flowers entice hummingbirds and butterflies, adding an extra layer of enchantment to outdoor spaces. The Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye perfectly complements the lush green foliage of tropical plants, creating a harmonious and captivating landscape that enchants both residents and visitors alike.

Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye Care: Nurturing Nature's Masterpiece


Proper care is vital for the Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye to thrive and showcase its magnificent beauty. Compared to other plants, this flower thrives in warmth and sunshine, making it the perfect addition to tropical and sunny climates. However, with the right care, it can also thrive in various other environments.


As an avid lover of sunlight, the Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye flourishes best in bright and direct light. Place it in a spot where it can receive at least six hours of sunlight daily to ensure its vibrant colors and lush foliage remain in their full glory.


Although the Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye embraces the warmth of the sun, it also appreciates a consistent level of moisture. Water your plant regularly, aiming for evenly moist soil. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot. As a general rule, water when the top inch of the soil feels dry to the touch.


Maintaining moderate humidity levels is integral to the Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye's well-being. Mist the leaves occasionally or place a tray filled with water near the plant to increase humidity levels. This ensures the plant's foliage remains lush and prevents any potential issues caused by dry environments.


Being a tropical beauty, the Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye thrives in temperatures between 15°C to 24°C. Protect it from extreme temperature fluctuations, as it prefers stable warmth. Avoid exposing it to drafts or cold air, as this can lead to damage and hinder its growth.


Choosing the right soil is crucial for the Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye's success. Opt for well-draining soil that retains moisture without becoming waterlogged. A mix of peat moss, perlite, and compost provides an ideal growing medium, ensuring the plant's roots have access to the nutrients they need for optimal growth.


Propagating the Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye is a rewarding endeavor for flower enthusiasts. It can be done through stem cuttings. Simply take a healthy stem cutting, remove a few lower leaves, dip the cut end in rooting hormone, and plant it in a well-draining potting mix. Keep the cutting consistently moist and warm until roots develop, which usually takes a few weeks. Once the roots are established, the new plant can be transferred to its permanent home.

Common Problems and Pests:

The Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye is generally resilient against common pests and diseases. However, like any plant, it may encounter some issues if not properly cared for. Keep an eye out for mealybugs, aphids, or spider mites, as they occasionally find their way onto the plant. Regularly inspect the leaves and stems, and treat any infestations promptly with organic insecticides or soapy water sprays.

With love, care, and a touch of attention, the Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye will reward you with its breathtaking beauty and joyful presence. Embrace the magic of this extraordinary flower and let it ignite your surroundings with its vibrant colors and radiant energy.

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Sundaville® Topper Red Yellow Eye breeder

MNP / Suntory


MNP / Suntory

MNP / Suntory is widely acknowledged for introducing innovative, high-quality, and successful bedding plants into the European ornamental plant sector. This breeder has built one of the strongest portfolios in the ornamental plant industry with numerous successful brands that are among the world’s best-known plants.

Careful Selection

Every year, MNP / Suntory carefully selects and tests new discoveries before introducing them to the market. Furthermore, the company improves and enriches its existing brands with new shapes and colors to meet current consumer desires and new trends.

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