German Designers Love Rose Game Changer

This rose has, virtually, all the qualities that a floral designer would want in a flower.

By: THURSD. | 24-01-2024 | 5 min read
Floral Designs Now on the markets Roses
Decofresh's Rose Game Changer Has German Designers Falling in Love With It.

A flower so eccentric and well-loved, Rose Game Changer definitely presents a florist’s fanciful dream when it comes to floral designs, arrangements, and generally any composition in which one would want to incorporate it.

A big rose with buds that open fully, a signature deep blood red flowering blooms with a slightly dark touch, and to top it, a superb shelf life, this is one flower that presents all the qualities that are a true delight for rose lovers and designers who use it in either their mono-bunches or big-scaled bouquets.

How Has Rose Game Changer Been Received by German Designers?

From Germany, a country known to be among the leading in floristry, quite a number of florists and floral designers used this rose in their compositions and the results were nothing short of awe-inspiring. They all had a delightful experience with the rose going by their reactions.


​German Floral Designers Enthralled by Decofresh's Rose Game Changer
​Decofresh's Rose Game Changer floral design by Erko Feigl


For Erko Feigl, With Rose Game Changer, the Game Is On!

German floristry expert, Erko who is the CEO of myFlorist, has been in the industry for over thirty years and is a connoisseur when it comes to anything that touches on flowers. For him, red roses are a must for every florist and customer. And this is why Rose Game Changer is opportune.

For him, red roses are a special flower. They are expressive and without them, emotions, feelings, and meanings would hardly be easily expressed.

“What has more ‘to say’ or more meaning than this color in roses? What would the world be without the red rose? What would love to be without the red rose?”

Erko opines that while there are numerous red roses that he has worked with in his line of work, Rose Game Changer essentially ranks up there among the very best.


​German Floral Designers Enthralled by Decofresh's Rose Game Changer
Rose Game Changer bouquet by Erko Feigl



“I still remember my beginnings. As a florist, I basically grew up with some wonderful red roses. And there are many great red roses already. Of course, there are others, and that's why I was a little skeptical about getting the new rose - still without a name at that time - from Decofresh to design. Now that the name has been given - Rose Game Changer - I have to say that it couldn't be more apt. Great red, super trendy in terms of flower shape, velvety, and wonderfully long-lasting. So I'm looking forward to this new highlight. And I'm grateful to have already had it in my hands. So, the game is on!”

For Oliver Mathys, the Rose Definitely Stands on Its Own

Among the many attributes that Rose Game Changer has, according to Oliver Mathys from Oliver M. Consulting, one of its most likable qualities is that it doesn’t need many extras to make a statement. It basically stands out on its own, and while at it, still looks delightfully pleasant.


​German Floral Designers Enthralled by Decofresh's Rose Game Changer
Oliver Mathys with Rose Game Changer


Oliver Mathys explains:

“Rose Game changer - the name of this flower could be a TV show, but it's actually a rose! I had them at home for ten days. Beautiful big flowers that opened up beautifully. But what I found particularly exciting is the classic shape of the flower. The red speaks to you. When I put them in different vases, I also noticed that there's almost a blue tint to them.”

This rose’s premium qualities, Oliver further holds, have had them attract hordes of admirers from all over. The rose, he believes, will surely be a hit among both domestic and international floral enthusiasts.


German Floral Designers Enthralled by Decofresh's Rose Game Changer
Oliver Mathys' floral design featuring Rose Game Changer.


Oliver cites an instance:

“By chance, a neighbor came by and wanted to have them as a mono bouquet, so I gave her seven stems. The funny thing is, two weeks later, her husband came to me because he had found those roses so beautiful and wanted to have them delivered for her birthday! So the first customer is already there. And many more customers will follow, both domestically and internationally. For me personally, it's a rose that doesn't need many extra things, like a hot bouquet or something. It stands on its own and already looks beautiful.

Andreas Frank Believes the Rose Holds So Much Potential

After having a feel of Rose Game Changer, Blumenwerk Neudenau's chief floral 'chef' Andreas Frank, a passionate florist, who is fully immersed in flowers, crafts, and beautiful floral things, had quite some affirmative words to say about this exquisite flower. Its color, good size, and durability, definitely stood out for him.


German Floral Designers Enthralled by Decofresh's Rose Game Changer
German florist Andreas Frank and his Rose Game Changer design.


Andreas Frank:

"Rose Game changer... first of all, they truly have a beautiful shade of red. A shade that stands out. This rose is neither too bright nor too dark, neither yellow nor blue-toned. The rose's head has a really good size in the medium range, making it perfect for everyday floristry.”

Andreas also praises the rose’s durability, pointing out that it is also very good, adding that his belief is that this new introduction has greater potential for the broader market.


German Floral Designers Enthralled by Decofresh's Rose Game Changer
A Rose Game Changer floral design by Andreas Frank.


For all intents and purposes, Rose Game Changer is definitely one flower that is, just like its name implies, poised to change the floral design and arrangement scene, given its ideal qualities and the praises and accolades that it has been accorded by the different florists who have already tried it. Definitely a rose worth all the attention that it gets!

How to Get This Rose

Rose Game Changer is bred by Kordes Rosen, grown by Ayana, and marketed by Decofresh.


Feature and header images by Erko Feigl


Decofresh Rose Game Changer


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