Every year in Spring, the enormous gardens of Keukenhof flare up in floral colors fascinating audiences with its seemingly ethereal beauty. The extravaganza draws millions of visitors from all across the globe.
Keukenhof Is More Than 'Just' Spring Flowers
Located in Lisse, just a short distance from Amsterdam, Keukenhof is an enchanting destination that offers a banquet for, virtually, all the senses. In 2024 this ‘Garden of Europe’ - which is one of the world's largest flower gardens - celebrates its 75th anniversary and its opening for the season formally heralds the onset of spring and hence a celebration of nature's vernal magnificence.
Keukenhof displays flowers and flowering plants not only outside, but also inside as flower shows. In the space of eight weeks, it demonstrates what the Dutch floricultural sector has to offer. The decor of these flower shows in the 'Oranje Nassau Pavilion' is entirely in the style of the theme of Keukenhof as the center of floriculture. Growers show their most beautiful flowers here. A different flower show is put on every week.
This week it's time for roses!
The Rose Show at Keukenhof
The rose show in the Oranje Nassau pavilion of Keukenhof is the largest rose show in the Netherlands and far beyond! Keukenhof is therefore the platform for the rose industry. From April 4 to 9, the rose takes center stage in the flower shows. No less than 54 domestic and foreign growers have created a show that shows exactly why this flower is still the most popular bloom in the world.

The entire hall of the pavilion was filled with 330 vases in all colors, shapes, and sizes imaginable — from the one-headed standard roses to the special garden roses and a galore of beautiful spray roses as well. Arranger Heleen Valstar and her team placed the roses in a beautiful setting.
At the opening of the rose show different price-winning rose varieties were highlighted, as many rose breeders and growers submitted their varieties for different special juries, one from the trade, and one from experts.
It was an amazing show in this edition. Countless beautiful roses, both Dutch and imported, are beautifully present in the Oranje Nassau Pavilion for a week. Every year, 1.4 million people visit Keukenhof, — this means around 27,000 consumers a day. So in a full week of the Rose Show, more than 180,000 people will witness the beauty of roses. Aren't these stunning numbers? Not any floral trade exhibition anywhere in the world gets these numbers!
As Henk de Mooij, Park Manager of Keukenhof put it:
"Did you notice all those people wandering around with a smile on their faces? It is really a fact that if you come to Keukenhof, you love flowers. You come here to enjoy the splendor of the best of the best floriculture has to offer. That is what the whole park radiates, and that is what also this Rose Show presents."

Breeders, Growers, and Traders Meet
During the well-attended trade meeting of the rose product group on April 4th, all entries were examined in detail by juries of floriculture professionals. Nowhere else are novelties and the current trade range so completely available. This made the Meet & Greet even more valuable.
What Caught the Eye of the Visitors? The Prize Winners of the Rose Show
Various awards were given to growers with outstanding performing roses in the categories of Dutch and foreign single-headed roses and spray roses. Some varieties that stood out were absolutely Rose Big Girl of breeder Jan Spek (grown in the Netherlands by Van der Hulst), which was awarded the 1st price by the trade jury and Rose Candy X-Pression of De Ruiter Innovations was 1st for import roses. One of the best spray roses at this moment is the Spray Rose Elisana from breeder Jan Spek Rozen, grown by Sian Flowers in Kenya. This wonderful flower won the award for best import spray rose.

The Prize Winners - Professional Jury
Professional Jury - Dutch Roses
1st prize: Rose Avalanche+. Grower: SK Roses. Breeder: Dümmen Orange.
2nd prize: Rose Big Girl. Grower: Van der Hulst. Breeder: Jan Spek Rozen.
3rd prize: Rose Sweet Avalanche+. Grower: Meijer. Breeder: Dümmen Orange.
Professional Jury - Dutch Spray Roses
1st prize: Spray Rose Bridal Flow. Grower: Voorn Roses. Breeder: Interplant Roses.
2nd prize: Spray Rose Purple Queen. Grower: Fransen Roses. Breeder: Interplant Roses.
3rd prize: Spray Rose Royal Blush. Grower: De Opstal. Breeder: Jan Spek Rozen.
Professional Jury - Import Roses
1st prize: Rose Candy X-Pression. Grower: Josarflor. Breeder: De Ruiter Innovations.
2nd prize: Rose Orange Wave. Grower: Rift Valley Roses. Breeder: Interplant Roses.
3rd prize: Rose Sunset X-Pression. Grower: Ayden. Breeder: De Ruiter Innovations.
Professional Jury - Import Spray Roses
1st prize: Spray Rose Elisana. Grower: Sian Flowers. Breeder: Jan Spek Rozen.
2nd prize: Spray Rose Summerrose. Grower: Sian Flowers. Breeder: Interplant Roses.
3rd prize: Spray Rose Tralala. Grower: Holla Roses. Breeder: Interplant Roses.
The Prize Winners - Trade Jury
Trade Jury - Dutch Roses
1st prize: Rose Big Girl. Grower: Van der Hulst. Breeder: Jan Spek Rozen.
2nd prize: Rose Avalanche+. Grower: SK Roses. Breeder: Dümmen Orange.
3rd prize: Rose Sweet Avalanche+. Grower: Meijer. Breeder: Dümmen Orange.
Trade Jury - Dutch Spray Roses
1st prize: Spray Rose First Date. Grower: Fransen Roses. Breeder: Interplant Roses.
2nd prize: Spray Rose Royal Blush. Grower: De Opstal. Breeder: Jan Spek Rozen.
3rd prize: Spray Rose Bridal Flow. Grower: Voorn Roses. Breeder: Interplant Roses.
Trade Jury - Import Roses
1st prize: Rose Pink X-Pression. Grower: Saniroses. Breeder: De Ruiter Innovations.
2nd prize: Rose Royal Blush. Grower: Mlima. Breeder: Jan Spek Rozen.
3rd prize: Rose Sunset X-Pression. Grower: Josarflor. Breeder: De Ruiter Innovations.
Import Spray Roses was not a separate trade jury category this year, so an additional award was handed to Holla Roses for their outstanding entire assortment of spray roses.

The Rose Show at Keukenhof is huge. All rose breeders, growers, and traders who are so important in pushing the product toward the end consumers attended the kick-off event on Thursday 4th of April. They have been made well aware of their affiliated role as ambassador for their product group as well. The crowd of end consumers will surely be bedazzled with all the beauty roses bring.