Twirling together wavy petals to create a rich and playful glow.
Rose Candy X-Pression
Rose Candy X-Pression is a bright pink florist's favorite garden-type rose. This candy pink garden rose develops into a massive bud, opening into a saturated medium pink shade with whispers of peach. Long stems and strong foliage allow this rose to last for days.
Twirling Wavy Petals
Candy X-Pression twirls together wavy petals to create a rich and playful glow. Extra-large head size and long vase life characteristics make this garden rose suitable for any occasion.
Rose Candy X-Pression Care Tips
- Use a clean vase
- Flower food improves the life of your flowers significantly, and prevents the necks from bending
- Cut a few centimeters off the stem at an angle to open the veins for absorbing water
- Remove only the foliage at the bottom up to the point where the stem is in the water
- Refill the water when it gets 'cloudy'
- Keep the vase away from vegetables and fruits, because the ethylene gas produced by these will damage your flowers
- Take dying flowers out, so they won't infect the others
- Keep your flowers away from high temperatures and direct sunlight