The Future Looks Bright

Here are the best Thursd topics of the first six months of 2020

By: MARCEL DE ROMPH | 01-07-2020 | 4 min read

So much is happening in the flower industry. Bad things, like COVID-19, inequality between people, the way our planet is at risk. But also good things emerged, like growing solidarity and understanding what is truly important in life. Little things and big things. Like people's well-being. And how flowers and plants can be an important part of this. It's a big world and it is getting smaller through digitalization. Everyone seems to be online these days. More and more people from the industry know Thursd.

Thursd in Six Months

Thursd has covered many great stories, showed inspirational new products, and placed important themes in the spotlight. Breeders, growers, traders, designers, and florists shared their stories and creativity. Thursd will continue with this and expand initiatives in the future. The future looks bright. It is impossible to say what was the 'Best of Thursd' over the past six months. But we can definitely please you with some eye-catching moments that are worthy to read (again).  


  On Thursd you can find the top designers of the world sharing their work and the stories behind them. Get inspired by PHKA, for example:   PHKA studio Combining Flowers and Technology, PHKA Studio from Bangkok. Breaking boundaries of tradition by creating beautiful, meaningful, and unique floral installations. For more amazing artwork by floral designers, use the Search-button on Thursd or check our Florist pages.  


  Thursd helps you with your floral marketing issues, informing you about the marketing views of florists, growers, and trade marketeers. Like this one from Alina Neacsa:   Alina Neacsa Signature Flower Does a Florist Need a Signature Flower? A signature flower can make a difference! For more marketing articles, use the Search-button on Thursd.  


Plants are getting more and more important for florists. And on Thursd. We have therefore given them a place in the spotlight. Like these bromeliads:   Mix and Match with Bromeliads   Mix and Match with Bromeliads. A great source of energy and easy to care for. For more stories about plants, use the Search-button on Thursd.  


Everyone is online these days. Many of us get our inspiration from influential designers on various social media. Thursd is on top of this development, like in this article about the best floral Facebook groups for florists:   Facebook Group Floral Design   10 Facebook groups (for florists) you don’t want to miss. Are you already a member? Find the best social connections, use the Search-button on Thursd.  

Black Flowers

We hope we pleased all the lovers of Black Flowers and convinced the rest with articles like the one about Kat Von D's gothic garden:   Kat von D Black Garden 20 Black Garden Flowers by Kat Von D. Black style icon loves her gothic garden. Search for more black flowers on Thursd by using the Search-button.  

Summer Inspiration

  Thursd often presents in-depth and inspirational information about product groups that are in season, like these summery Lisianthus by Sakata:   Sakata Lisianthus Rosita  Lisianthus Rosita is a pleasure for florists to work with. Find the loveliest products, their breeders, growers, and traders on Thursd product pages, or use the Search button to find them.  

Best of Lists

Do you want the best? We show you the best in everything related to the horti industry, like this must read list of all lists compiled:   A Must Read List of Lists -   Must Read List of Lists. Plants you just have to have. Check all the lists we provide in our weekly newsletters or search the articles on Thursd.  

Ripe vs. Raw

It was impossible to miss; the stories from all over the floral chain concerning Rip vs. Raw flowers. Porta Nova was one of them:   About Ripe or Raw - Porta Nova   Ripe vs. Raw: Porta Nova. Raw roses are being confused with freshness. The full range of stories is available on Thursd. Search "Ripe Raw" using the Search-button on Thursd.  

Painted Flowers

Either you adore them or you hate them; it is hard to imagine that there is something in between. For all the lovers, and there are many, we presented the full-color spectrum of painted flowers, including an inside story by dyeing-guru Kat Bass:     My Flower Dyeing Journey. "I like to experiment a lot." Read the most colorful stories on Thursd and go crazy on painted flowers.  

Floral Inspirations

  Thursd is all about you. About the inspiration for our floricultural audience. We hope you like our inspirational stories and interviews, like this really special one with Preston Bailey:   Preston Bailey Interview Header On Thursd   Hollywood Wedding Planner Preston Bailey. A renowned event planner slash floral couturier. Can't get enough? Don't miss out on any stories, interviews, how-tos, and everything that makes a floral audience happy and inspired. Subscribe to the Thursd Newsletters and don't miss a beat anymore.

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Marcel de Romph

In my view marketing revolves around knowing "why": Why does someone want something, search for something or do something? Knowing the answer to the “why” question enables you to serve a customer optimally. I want the customer to be so satisfied with his purchase and the service that he comes back time and time again.


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