Craspedia Paintball Jumbo Cutflower on Thursd profile

Craspedia Paintball Jumbo

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About Craspedia Paintball Jumbo

Maximize creativity, whimsy, and fun.

Craspedia Paintball Jumbo Cutflower on Thursd header

Craspedia Paintball Jumbo

The Craspedia Paintball series is known for its extraordinarily large bright yellow heads and very long stems up to 100 cms.

An Excellent Accent

Craspedia Paintball Jumbo is an excellent accent for any flower bouquet or arrangement. And if you like, it can also be tinted to maximize creativity, whimsy, and fun.

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Growers Growers with access to Craspedia Paintball Jumbo
Traders Traders with access to Craspedia Paintball Jumbo
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Exclusive Flowers hoven-de-mooij-trader-on-thursd-profile Hoven & de Mooij hoek-group-trader-on-thursday-profile Hoek Group multiflora-trader-on-thursd-profile Multiflora ontwerp-zonder-titel-333 SS Flowers OZ-Hami trader on Thursd profile OZ-Hami van-vliet-flower-group-trader-on-thursd-logo Van Vliet Flower Group bloom-trader-on-thursd-logo Bloom om-sri-sai-flowers-trader-on-thursd-logo Om Sri Sai Flowers de-rijcke-trader-on-thursd-logo De Rijcke kurz-blumen-trader-on-thursd-logo Kurz Blumen hoek-flowers-trader-on-thursd-profile Hoek Flowers FleuraMetz Trader on Thursd profile FleuraMetz flowering-direct-trader-on-thursd-profile-1 Flowering Direct virgin-farms-grower-profile-on-thursd Virgin Farms addenda-trader-on-thursd-profile Addenda nlf-flowers-trader-on-thursd-profile NLF Flowers opex-trader-on-thursd-profile Opex oz-planten-trader-on-thursd-profile OZ Planten erka-sera-trader-on-thursd-profile Erka Sera merotto-fiore-trader-on-thursd-profile Merotto Fiori bartblooms-trader-on-thursd-profile BartBlooms gradina-urbana-concept-trader-on-thursd-profile Gradina Urbana Concept flowerhub-trader-on-thursd-profile Flowerhub hilverda-de-boer-trader-on-thursd-profile Hilverda De Boer heemskerk-flowers-trader-on-thursd-profile Heemskerk Flowers valencia-plant-export-trader-on-thursd-profile Valencia Plant Export a-and-z-flowers-trader-on-thursd-profile A&Z Flowers Michalscy 7flowers-trader-on-thursd-profile 7Flowers golden-flowers-cash-carry-profile Golden Flowers Cash & Carry fleurassistance-rungis-trader-on-thursd-profile FleurAssistance flexin-trader-on-thursd-profile Flexin penlert-de-fleur-trader-on-thursd-profile Penlert De Fleur kampong-flowers-trader-on-thursd-profile Kampong Flowers van-vliet-new-york-trader-on-thursd-profile Van Vliet New York Daoflowers Trader on Thursd profile Daoflowers detulp-trader-on-thursd-profile deTulp profresh-trader-on-thursd-profile Profresh agnes-b-cafe-and-fleuriste-profile Agnes b. Café & Fleuriste San Francisco Flower Market trader on Thursd profile San Francisco Flower Market oasis-cash-and-carry-trader-on-thursd-profile Oasis Cash & Carry anton-spaargaren-trader-on-thursd-profile Anton Spaargaren Kariflex Trader on Thursd profile.jpg Kariflex Vianen Flowers Trader on Thursd profile Vianen Flowers Flori Holland Romania Trader on Thursd profile Flori Holland Verbeek en Bol Trader on Thursd profile Verbeek & Bol W.K. Heyl Jr Trader on Thursd profile W.K. Heyl Jr. Ol-Flora Trader on Thursd profile Ol-Flora Rekpol Trader on Thursd profile Rekpol Vimass Trader on Thursd profile Vimass Salaba Trader on Thursd profile Salaba Celdomy trader on Thursd profile Celdomy Karel Zuidgeest Bloemen trader on Thursd profile Karel Zuidgeest Bloemen BG de Mooij trader on Thurs profile B.G. de Mooij J Noten Bloemengroothandel trader on Thursd profile J. Noten Bloemengroothandel Heemskerk Flora trader on Thursd profile Heemskerk Flora Duif Flowers trader on Thursd profile Duif Flowers Astra Fund trader on Thursd profile Astra Fund Florabundance trader on Thursd profile Florabundance
Craspedia Paintball Jumbo breeder



Founded in 1953, Danziger is today one of the world’s most innovative floriculture companies. We are engaged in the research, breeding, development, propagation, production, sale and marketing of varieties of cut flowers, annuals and perennials – creating extraordinary flower varieties and beautiful assortments that help customers along the entire value chain achieve extraordinary success. Beginning in the 1950’s as the dream of Ernest and Zehava Danziger, our company has grown into a major floriculture producer, with over 500 million cuttings of Danziger varieties planted each year, in more than 60 countries. We continue to dream big, exploring new ways to capture the market’s imagination, while staying true to our family tradition being personally committed to our customers and employees, and doing business with integrity and respect for the environment. Danziger is proud to be at the forefront of scientific breeding of varieties. We operate one of the industry’s largest R&D departments, with a breeding team numbering over 100 employees, including scientists, professional breeders, and researchers with PhDs, Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees from leading academic institutes. We partner closely with the Faculty of Agriculture at Hebrew University and the world renowned Volcani Center of Agricultural Research. Complementing our portfolio with respected genetics from other leading breeders, Danziger manages over 600 elite varieties – with superior genetics and traits – under breeders’ rights, and hundreds of the company’s varieties are registered under Plant Breeding Rights (PBR) and Plant Patents all over the world.

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