Polianthes Elle Pink cut flower on Thursd profile

Polianthes Elle Pink

Flower Other Flowers

About Polianthes Elle Pink

Due to the sweet smell, extracts are often used in perfumery.

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Polianthes Elle Pink

Polianthes Elle Pink is distinguished by a beautiful soft tone color. This Polianthes grows in elongated stems that produce clusters of fragrant waxy white flowers. This flower can reach a length of 60-70 cm, so is perfectly fit for taller bouquets. The flowers bloom from the bottom to the top of the flower.


Polianthes is also commonly known as Tuberose, and this specific variety Polianthes Elle Pink was formerly marketed as Polianthes Pink Sapphire. Due to the sweet smell, extracts are often used in perfumery.

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