
Hydrangea Hy-pe Avantgarde

Flower Indoor Flowering Plants

About Hydrangea Hy-pe Avantgarde

Original and unique


Indoors and Outdoors

Hydrangea Hy-pe Avantgarde can be kept indoors, but it can also be outdoor, in a container, or as a terrace plant. The color of Hydrangea Avantgarde flowers changes from white to pink (or blue) to green, and at the end of the flowering period, they turn red.

Always Blooming

Hydrangea Hy-pe Avantgarde flowers independently of the season in color-changing shades. If the flower is removed at the end of the flowering period, new flowers will have formed in four months’ time. This is a Hydrangea that does not require a cold trigger. It’s a unique characteristic in the Hydrangea family!

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