Alstroemeria Tara cut flower on Thursd profile

Alstroemeria Tara

Flower Alstroemerias

About Alstroemeria Tara

A striking red flower with a broad white stripe close to its heart.

Alstroemeria Tara cut flower on Thursd header

Alstroemeria Tara

Alstroemeria Tara is a striking red flower with a broad white stripe close to its heart. This gives the flower extra depth and a nice surprise when it opens. The brown freckles on the inner petals are catching the eye as well.

A Great Asset to Any Floral Idea

Since red and white are true basic colors in the botanical world, the Alstroemeria Tara will be a great asset to any floral idea, matching practically with any flower.

Alstroemeria Tara Care Tips

  • You can enjoy your alstroemeria cut flowers for several weeks if you treat them well
  • Place the alstroemerias directly in a vase with flower food. If available: use special alstroemeria flower food. This ensures that the buds open beautifully, that the intense colors remain, and that the flowers last up to 60% longer compared to water alone. Also, it keeps the leaves nice and green
  • Cut the stem 2-3 cm with a clean, sharp knife or secateurs
  • Remove any fallen leaves from the water
  • Refresh the water when it becomes cloudy
  • Cut a few centimeters off the stems if the ends have gotten a little spongy

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