Chrysanthemum Myra cut flower on Thursd profile

Chrysanthemum Myra

Flower Chrysanthemums

About Chrysanthemum Myra

Pink, though not overly sweet, and rather bold and radiant.

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Chrysanthemum Myra

Nothing beats bright pink in terms of beauty, and this certainly holds true for Chrysanthemum Myra. It is pink, though not overly sweet, and rather bold and radiant. In other words: just right! This bright pink spray chrysanthemum has a contemporary look and perfectly matches the latest flower trends.

For Every Season

Myra has a bright pink color with a contrasting green center, has a good vase life, and retains its color all year round, even in the hot summer months. With its natural appearance, this chrysanthemum is a wonderful addition to any arrangement for florists, although it also looks radiant on its own. Myra’s color combination always ensures a lively arrangement in every season.

Chrysanthemum Myra Care Tips

  • Use a clean vase and fresh tap water
  • Add liquid or powdered flower food
  • Cut 3 – 5 cm from the stem using a clean knife or secateur
  • Make sure there are no leaves in the water
  • Chrysanthemums, like all cut flowers, are sensitive to draughts and direct heat
  • Don’t place the chrysanthemums next to ripening fruit or vegetables. The ethylene produced by the fruit and vegetables makes the flowers die earlier
  • Top up the vase with fresh tap water
  • Refresh the water every few days when it gets cloudy

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