Rose Bessie cut flower on Thursd profile

Rose Bessie™

Flower Roses

About Rose Bessie™

A rose like a collection of our favorite things – clotted cream, pearls, silk ribbons, and soft, billowy pillows.

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Rose Bessie™

Rose Bessie’s color transitions beautifully starting as an ivory bud opening quickly into a classic deep cup to reveal shades of apricot at her centre. As her petals relax Bessie’s shape becomes more rosette-like, her color paling to buttery cream, developing hints of caramel whilst always maintaining a halo of ivory outer petals. Her light to medium fragrance is a combination of tea with undertones of myrrh. Bessie™ is like a collection of our favorite things – clotted cream, pearls, silk ribbons, and soft, billowy pillows.

From Ivory to Apricot Tones

Bessie™ delights quickly, opening within two days, from ivory bud to reveal warm tones of apricot petals. Bessie’s color transition is captivating. From apricot, her center quickly changes to soft peach through to buttery-cream, caramel, paling to ivory.

Rose Bessie’s apricot and creamy tones allow her to work across a range of color palettes from lilac and pale blues through to pinks and yellows. A versatile and super pretty addition to our collection, Bessie™ has a gentleness that is beautiful and demure. Her character is the perfect rose for a classic bride.

Rose Bessie™ Care Tips

  • Use a clean vase
  • Flower food improves the life of your flowers significantly, and prevents the necks from bending
  • Cut a few centimeters off the stem at an angle to open the veins for absorbing water
  • Remove only the foliage at the bottom up to the point where the stem is in the water
  • Refill the water when it gets 'cloudy'
  • Keep the vase away from vegetables and fruits, because the ethylene gas produced by these will damage your flowers
  • Take dying flowers out, so they won't infect the others
  • Keep your flowers away from high temperatures and direct sunlight

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