
Chlorophytum comosum Vittatum

Plant Indoor Green Plants

About Chlorophytum comosum Vittatum

Small white starry flowers form in loose sprays attached by short stems that also bear small plantlets (baby spiders)


Chlorophytum Comosum Vittatum

Chlorophytum comosum Vittatum is the classic retro Spider Plant. Leaves are slender, bright green, with a broad, creamy-white stripe down the centre. Small white starry flowers form in loose sprays attached by short stems that also bear small plantlets (baby spiders).


The name Chlorophytum comes from the Greek: chloros means green, and phyton means plant. More than 200 species are perennials and find their origin in the tropical and subtropical areas of Africa and Asia.

Air purifying

All Chlorophytum have strong air-purifying properties. This means that the plant not only produces extra oxygen, but also filters harmful substances from the air.

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