Bunnik Plants grower on Thursd profile

Bunnik Plants

Netherlands flag


Greenhouse - Year Round
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About Bunnik Plants

Bunnik Plants

As a potted plant nursery, Bunnik Plants has been known in the plant market for years. The company has experienced enormous growth in recent decades, and this also applies to the range, which now consists of dozens of plant varieties. Bunnik Plants produces around 600,000 plants every week. It also imports from various countries in Asia, Central America, and the Mediterranean areas.

Product Segmentations

Bunnik Plants has divided its product range into segmentations of green plants, flowering plants, exotic plants, and seasonal plants. Next to that it also offers added value materials, such as ceramics and ground covers.

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Bunnik Plants location

Bunnik Plants Bunnik Plants, Hyacintenweg 37, 2665 NC, Bleiswijk, Netherlands

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