
Monstera Obliqua

Plant Indoor Green Plants

About Monstera Obliqua

Its Dutch name is ‘hole plant’ which is a logical name if you take a look at its leafs

Monstera Obliqua. Its fresh green leaves have a lot of big holes, which occur naturally and are not caused by insects or diseases. When this plant grows up it makes vines with leaves. You can direct the grow downwards, but you can also tie it up and direct the grow upwards. Sometimes it grows a pure white flower, which will spread the sweet smell of pineapple. Monstera Obliqua is a member of the Arum family also known as Araceae. You will find it mainly in tropical rain forests, here it crawls across the ground looking for trees. When Monstera Obliqua has found one it will climb upwards to the sunlight. Monstera Obliqua is mainly spotted in the rain forests of Central – and South America. Its Dutch name is ‘hole plant’ which is a logical name if you take a look at its leafs.

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