Polyscias Parsley Bonsai plant on Thursd profile

Polyscias Parsley Bonsai

Plant Indoor Green Plants

About Polyscias Parsley Bonsai

A Special leaf structure and bold stem makes it a beautiful mini tree, a bonsai.

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Polyscias Parsley Bonsai

Polyscias Parsley Bonsai is a plant that likes to be in the shade but still attracts attention. This is due to its special leaf structure and bold stem, which makes it a beautiful mini tree, a bonsai. They are popular as a houseplants because they are large and full plants. At the same time, they are not susceptible to diseases and are quite easy to care for.

The Polyscias Family

The Polyscias is a collection of large houseplants, originally from Africa and Asia. The plant owes its name to a combination of the two Greek words 'poly' (many) and 'scias' (shadow). In its original habitat, the Polyscias provides a lot of much-needed shade. By the way, this plant is also called 'Aralia' by some.

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