The Big Five Rose Edition - Part 4 - Orange Roses

Having roses in your life can never go wrong, especially when they're as bright as the wide range of De Ruiter's Big Five orange rose collection.

By: THURSD. | 26-10-2022 | 6 min read
The orange Big Five header on Thursd

This time it's all about De Ruiter's Big Five® 'Orange Edition'. This outstanding range features five different colors of roses, segmented by De Ruiter in the Big Five® of African roses. Keep reading on to meet this grand group of orange roses.

Say Hello to the Orange Big Five® Edition

A complete group of five gorgeous, conquering roses is the idea behind the Big Five® and certainly, the breeder De Ruiter has nailed it. The interesting terminology is used to describe five groups of breathtaking roses featuring five of the most dominant and seen colors in roses: red, pink, yellow, orange, and white. You can read more about the Big Five® in this article: 'What is the Big Five in Roses?'


De Ruiter Big Five Orange 2022


De Ruiter Wants the Best for Their Customers

The benefit of having the big five around will be noticed instantly because as you know, flowers, especially roses have a way of getting into everyone's heart. De Ruiter is a company that holds a tremendous amount of market information and is clearly visible and reflected in the rose assortment they offer to their beloved customers.


De Ruiter Big Five Rose creators on Thursd
Dümmen Orange sales represetnative pointing out an orange variety of De Ruiter.


Getting immersed and involved with twenty-five of the world's most gorgeous roses, five in each color will give you a great floral experience. Power, beauty, grace, and strength are visually expressed through the Big Five® roses. Read the article 'The Big Five Rose Edition - Part 3 - White Roses' to start meeting the rest of the rose members of the collection.

The Big Five® as a Symbol of High-Quality Kenyan Roses

Kenya is a country known for growing, producing, and exporting amazing-quality roses throughout the world. Year-round, clients can find many different rose colors that never cease to impress everyone who sees them.


Kneyan Roses make part of the Big Five orange edition on Thursd


To make selecting the right color easier, the people of De Ruiter created the Big Five® rose concept. Many growers know that their customers are at first always seeking the 5 main colors in roses, and only then are looking for other colors or color combinations like bi-colored roses.

De Ruiter Shows Great Expertise and Knowledge

To accompany their clients at the moment of choosing their next roses, De Ruiter already shows which of the five most important colors will do best for the grower. Growers always look forward to a breeder that has great expertise and knowledge and De Ruiter without a doubt does it every single time. Their procedures, along with their meticulous attention to detail from the moment of cross-breeding, planting the new seedlings, selecting the right plants, and propagating for the growers, until the moment the flowers from the growers are exported, are very admirable. 

The successful varieties are actually the outcome of a joint effort between De Ruiter and the growers who, at an early stage, are involved in the selection process.


Kenya's Big Five Rose Quality-on Thursd


The Big Five® Roses Lead You to an Unforgettable Flower Experience

Did you know Kenyan roses are very well known worldwide because of their high-quality roses? Because of this, the Big Five® roses will let you live a blooming flower experience. 

Given that Kenya is located in an ideal spot where the altitude, location of rose farms, exceptional growth techniques, solid infrastructures, productive workspace, and favorable weather conditions are close to perfect, the roses have caused an impression and many customers can actually confirm it. Beauty, vase life, and longevity are what make Kenyan roses stand out from the crowd.


Banner De Ruiter Big Five Orange 2022


Time to Meet the Orange Big Five Rose® Edition Collection

Warning: these orange roses are about to become your favorites because their whimsical beauty is endless. De Ruiter's Big Five® orange edition is composed of Almanza®, Oranda®, Allora®, Comanche®, and Wannahave®.

1. Rose Almanza®

Rose Almanza is a large-flowered rose showing a vast number of beautiful opening petals. This rose has a very good vase life, making this one of the most important benefits of having these roses with you.


Rose Almanza from the orange Big Five on Thursd
Rose Almanza


2. Rose Oranda®

The bright, bold, orange colors in De Ruiter's Big Five® orange rose edition are like no other. They can brighten up any space in a matter of seconds and Oranda is about to show you what a dreamy orange color is composed of. Besides her gorgeous color, she has an average number of 50-55 petals!


Orange Big Five Rose Oranda on Thursd
Rose Oranda


3. Rose Allora®

Striking tones of orange take over this astonishing orange Big Five® collection. Symbolizing fascination, desire, and sensuality, it's all the vibes you'll get with the Rose Allora. With a pointed bud and glossy green leaves, this rose is a show-stopper.



4. Rose Comanche®

The Comanche variety makes part of the orange Big Five® edition and her image is stunning! With a vase life of approximately twelve days and an average number of thirty-five petals, Rose Comanche is definitely a favorite amongst many rose lovers.


Rose Comanche Big Five orange edition on Thursd
Rose Comanche


5. Rose Wannahave®

African Rose Wannahave is the last one included in the orange Big Five® by De Ruiter. Her surprising stem length ranging from 40-70 cm along with a very hot orange color allows the perfect combination for a thriving, beautiful rose.

Besides the above specs, Rose Wannahave also has a very strong bud, which makes it a very rewarding rose, and is very suitable for transport in boxes. 


Rose Wannahave De Ruiters Big Five on Thursd
Rose Wannahave


In case you haven't yet seen the rest of the Big Five rose editions, here's the article on the red rose edition 'The Big Five Rose Edition - Part 1 - Red Roses'. Don't miss out on learning more about this incredible and innovative idea created by De Ruiter.

De Ruiter Cares for Their People, Planet, and Flowers

As these colors have gained extreme popularity in the floral industry, retailers and importers are rapidly increasing their sales strategies and businesses because they want the most top-quality roses in the market. Given this situation, it is very important for De Ruiters to share its proposal of becoming a one-stop shop offering amazing roses for interested growers, and buyers. Nowadays, rose growers have come to enjoy the Big Five® collections, and like this approach which lets them experience great benefits while working alongside De Ruiters.


Rose Comanche on Thursd
Rose Comanche


Orange roses, in a color range from spring fresh to summer brightness, to a deep warm autumn color, will surely illuminate any spot you want, plus they are the perfect option to add a drench of color and a grand opening of petals to get you starting your days fresh and happy.


Photos by @deruiterinnovations.


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