Rose Hettie cut flower on Thursd profile

Rose Hettie™

Flower Roses

About Rose Hettie™

Super sassy, full of charisma and confidence with her striking rich pink rosette blooms.

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Rose Hettie™

Rose Hettie™ is super sassy, full of charisma and confidence with her striking rich pink rosette blooms. Hettie™ pops open to say hello extremely quickly, creating a star rosette at her center, surrounded by a ring of neat, layered outer petals in a lighter pink fuchsia tone. Whilst fragrance is missing from Hettie’s character, she celebrates her many other assets of color, form, and long vase life.

On a Mission to Delight

Rose Hettie™ is on a mission to delight. She opens quickly, her petals unfurling to reveal her full beauty. Hettie™ will keep on giving, her saturated color and beautiful form staying bright and dominant.

Hettie™ exudes confidence and will make a powerful statement all on her own, radiating beauty and light wherever she goes.  Far from overpowering, Hettie also has the ability to combine with paler colors and delicate flowers, making them shine too.

Rose Hettie™ Care Tips

  • Use a clean vase
  • Flower food improves the life of your flowers significantly, and prevents the necks from bending
  • Cut a few centimeters off the stem at an angle to open the veins for absorbing water
  • Remove only the foliage at the bottom up to the point where the stem is in the water
  • Refill the water when it gets 'cloudy'
  • Keep the vase away from vegetables and fruits, because the ethylene gas produced by these will damage your flowers
  • Take dying flowers out, so they won't infect the others
  • Keep your flowers away from high temperatures and direct sunlight

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