The trendsetter in all your wedding floristry.
Everything about Charmelia Pink is friendly and feminine. The green is gentle and graceful, and the flowers are bright pink and white, with a touch of green. The further in bloom, the pinker she will show.
This cut flower can be put to use in many different ways. A single stem in a beautiful vase nicely displays the beautiful flowers and distinctive shape, but Charmelia Pink is also good company in a mixed floral arrangement.
Because of the many ramifications, it is a good filler and the color has the right expression to stand out. Up to 21 days she remains exceptionally long in shape. Classy solo in a vase, yet absolutely charming and eye-catching in mixed floral arrangements. Enjoy Charmelia: a strong, rich flowering timeless florinca-type beauty with more flowers per stem than you have ever seen.