Chrysanthemum Supernova Mix plant on Thursd profile

Chrysanthemum Supernova Mix

Plant Outdoor Flowering Plants

About Chrysanthemum Supernova Mix

Also widely known as Chrysanne® Supernova Mix and Chrysanne® Zembla Next Mix.

Chrysanthemum Supernova Mix

Chrysanthemum Supernova Mix

Although Chrysanthemum Supernova Mix is the official Floricode name of this plant, it is also widely known as Chrysanne® Supernova Mix and Chrysanne® Zembla Next Mix.

Chrysanne® Supernova is a disbudded chrysanthemum with a single, extremely large flower that is 7-12 cm in diameter. Supernova is available as a mix of white, yellow, pink, and purple. This amazing plant continues flowering for at least five weeks of enjoyment!

About Chrysanne

Chrysanne® is a lovely series of pot chrysanthemums. Besides the series being beautiful, it is also remarkable for its exclusivity and superior quality. The Chrysanne® pot chrysanthemums are chic, cheerful, summery, and colorful. A Chrysanne® pot chrysanthemum in your house will bring you the joy of a compact, robust, and healthy plant with three full-bodied flowers. When flowering, the flower will open completely to give you a minimum of five weeks of pleasure.

Chrysanthemum Supernova Mix Care Tips

  • Semi-shade, no direct sunlight.
  • Keep damp, compost must not dry out.
  • Do not leave excess water in the saucer/dish.
  • Fertilizer is not necessary.
  • Favorite plant for indoors and outdoors.
  • Ideal temperature ± 15 ºCelsius.

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