
Van der Sar Plants

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Year Round - Greenhouse

About Van der Sar Plants

Horticultural Family

Van der Sar Plants was founded by Henk van der Sar. Henk comes from a horticultural family and started his career in education. Nevertheless, the horticultural life continued to attract him and in 1998 he bought, according to his own words, a hobby garden, of which he grew geranium bins and firethorns on 2,000 m2. Two years later, he expanded the cultivation area and focused full-time on the cultivation of geranium containers and firethorns. The range has expanded greatly during this time, making the Peony one of the most important crops of the company

Real Family Business

Henk's children, Bas and Marianne, also got to work in the garden, which is how Van der Sar Plants has become a real strong family business with an area of ā€‹ā€‹5 hectares. With great enthusiasm and great dedication, sustainable high-quality plants are grown and sold.

Van der Sar Plants location

Van der Sar Plants Van der Sar Plants, Maasdijk 73, 2691 PB 's-Gravenzande, Nederland

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