Ayurá SAS is a medium-size farm of carnations and roses. With 25 years of experience in the flower business supplying markets around the world. We grow quality roses and carnations cultivated with the best production practices friendly to the environment. We are a company dedicated to the production and marketing of fresh cut flowers with the highest standards of quality and good agricultural practices that generate added value to the sector, our processes are conducted under continuous improvement principles, guaranteeing our customers the satisfaction of obtaining a product of optimum quality in the market that complies with the principles of social responsibility and care of the environment. Ayurá promotes the planning and execution of the processes of continuous improvement in the production and commercialization of fresh cut flowers, in accordance with the high quality standards, good agricultural practices, and sustainable development, guaranteeing the protection of the health and well-being of our workers, the improvement of the quality of life, committed to the care of the environment and complying with the current legislation of our country.