
Lugt Lisianthus

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About Lugt Lisianthus

Lugt Lisianthus is a household name, that much is clear. And that did not come out of the blue. The name Lugt has been synonymous with quality for almost a century. The year is 1920 when Pieter van der Lugt decides to start a nursery for outdoor vegetables in the open ground in Honselersdijk. Grandfather van der Lugt was at the helm of this successful vegetable nursery for almost forty years when his son Henk took over the company from him in 1956 and entered greenhouse horticulture for the cultivation of cucumbers, aubergines, and other vegetables. Henk decides ten years later to switch from vegetables to freesias and when his sons Peter and Hans step into the company in 1978, Van der Lugt is also well known in the freesias. In 1988 brother Marcel also joined the company. The lisianthus made its appearance with Lugt in 1992. First together with the freesia, but from 2007 onwards the brothers said goodbye to the fragrant flower in order to be able to throw themselves completely into the lisianthus. While waving goodbye to the freesia, they welcome Richard to the company. With the arrival of Richard, Peter's son, the company is complete in its current form. Van der Lugt Lisianthus opened a second location in 's-Gravenzande as early as 1982. Initially, the brothers are perfectly fine with these two locations, but when the switch to lisianthus is made, the company starts to grow fast. In 2020, a large location was opened in Monster. The new greenhouse and shed were built according to the latest insights in modern and responsible cultivation and entrepreneurship. With the opening of the new location, van der Lugt will officially become Lugt Lisianthus and together with the new logo, the new website, and the new way of working, everything is ready for the future.

Lugt Lisianthus location

Lugt Lisianthus Boomaweg 3, 2681 RG Monster, Nederland

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