Van Noort Hyacinten grower on Thursd profile

Van Noort Hyacinten

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Greenhouse - Seasonal - Outdoor
Van Noort Hyacinten

About Van Noort Hyacinten

Van Noort Hyacinten

Frank, Ruud, and Fieke van Noort have been specialists in forcing hyacinths since 1972. Back then, led by grandfather Cor and father Wil van Noort, the company was called C.A. van Noort and Zn. Since 2010, the focus has been entirely on forcing hyacinths and the company has therefore changed its name to ‘Van Noort Hyacinten’.

The Special Process of Forcing

The forcing of a hyacinth is a special process because nature is somewhat helped by the use of heat and cooling cells. This will ripen the bulbs and prepare them for flowering. The Van Noort family grows – as one of the few hyacinth-forcing companies – their flower bulbs in water, allowing them to work cleanly and efficiently. The flowers they produce are around 30 centimetres long and are of high quality which is expected from Decorum products.

The Van Noort range of hyacinths consists of fifteen varieties, several of which are available exclusively at Van Noort. Every day, Van Noort delivers their best hyacinths, with the compliments of Decorum.

Van Noort Hyacinten

Van Noort Hyacinten location

Van Noort Hyacinten Van Noort Hyacinten, Loosterweg 57, 2215 TM, Voorhout, Netherlands

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