
Multi Color Flowers

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About Multi Color Flowers

It all started in 1988 in a small shed somewhere in the Netherlands. In that small shed, a man named Peter was busy painting flowers with the most beautiful colors. Peter continued to color better and more beautifully so that three years later a real building was rented for it. In this building, too, there was plenty of practice and the best techniques were laid down for the beautiful process of coloring. This little shed and lots of practice was the start of something even more beautiful and bigger. Multi Color Flowers was officially established in 1996. Since then it has grown fast and today Multi Color Flowers buys flowers at the auction and directly from the grower. Multi Color Flowers is a company consisting of twenty employees who have a heart for the business. Ambition, passion, and love for flowers are central to them.


Multi Color Flowers location

Multi Color Flowers Multi Color Flowers, Cotoneaster 11, 1424 LB De Kwakel, Netherlands

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