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Year Round - Greenhouse

About Tambuzi

Tambuzi has 25 hectares of roses and summer flowers at its original Burguret site, and complimentary production of sustainable forestry, beekeeping, and livestock. Recently Tambuzi has expanded to two more farms in Timau to meet the demand for its high-quality flowers. The company is driven not just for profit but also with the goal of having beneficial social impact in all its activities. The strapline ‘stop and smell the roses’ sends a simple message – be always mindful of what you do and enjoy it. The company considers the welfare of its employees and the neighboring communities to be part of its strength. Tambuzi’s good practices ensure that we mitigate potential negative impacts on the environment. Like farms around the world, this is the place that Tim, Maggie, and their children call home, and, as such, is so much more than just a business. The three farms are located 180km north of Nairobi, within Nyeri, Laikipia and Meru Counties. The semi-arid region includes a 10,000km² wilderness haven, supporting large numbers of wildlife – many endangered. Where the southern boundary of Laikipia meets the western foothills of Mount Kenya, productive rain-fed farming areas support a high population of people. Tambuzi is the only large scale flower farm in an area that is dominated by small scale farms, each between two and six acres, mostly growing maize, intercropped with beans and potatoes. Tambuzi is located on the Equator at an altitude of 1,900 meters above sea level. The area receives ten hours of sunshine a day and 800 mm of rainfall a year. These perfect growing conditions, combined with a committed and expert team, make Tambuzi accomplished leaders in the field of scented rose production in Kenya.


Tambuzi location

Tambuzi Tambuzi Flower Farm, Kenya

Products Tambuzi has access to these products
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Florists Florists connected to Tambuzi
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